2003-09-09 NMR RAFL15-05-B10 Translation MEGKRSQGQG YMKKKSYLVE EDMETDTDEE EEVGRDRVRG SRGSINRGGS LRLCQVDRCTADMKEAKLYH RRHKVCEVHA KASSVFLSGL NQRFCQQCSR FHDLQEFDEA KRSCRRRLAGHNERRRKSSG ESTYGEGSGR RGINGQVVMQ NQERSRVEMT LPMPNSSFKR PQIR (Date of acquisition: Dec-2001) A novel zinc-binding motif revealed by solution structures of DNA-binding domains of Arabidopsis SBP-family transcription factors.J.Mol.Biol., 337(1), 49-63 (2004) PMID: 15001351 LRLCQVDRCT ADMKEAKLYH RRHKVCEVHA KASSVFLSGL NQRFCQQCSR FHDLQEFDEAKRSCRRRLAG HNERRRKSSG E Yamasaki, K., Inoue, M., Kigawa, T., Yokoyama, S. Full-length: DNA-binding RIB:CRIB00046S000011-RIB00046S000000000006 Solution structure of the DNA-binding domain of Squamosa promoter binding protein-like 4